Welcome to Destination Enlightenment ~often referred to as DE!  DE is a personal blog about my journey ~ the destination is just the focus.  As a matter of fact, I am nowhere near enlightenment!  I’m just trying to wake up here my self, and even though enlightenment may not happen in this lifetime I sure am enjoying the awakening process.

Destination Enlightenment was born out of asking myself two fundamental questions:  Who am I?  and What’s my Purpose?    I’ve always been insatiably curious about all things spiritual and metaphysical, yet I feel conversations related to these topics are kept on the down low for fear of being too woo-woo or weird. I needed an outlet to explore and share my interests so here I am!

Connecting to spirituality and finding deeper meaning in everyday living comes naturally to me, yet for many years it was something I kept to myself.  Eventually, I embraced my true nature and in doing so I was liberated to be real – no more hiding that I was spiritual.  I enjoy exploring the mystery of life and communicating what I learn along the way.  In doing so, I am honoring my authentic self.

In this journey we call life, I believe we were created to experience both a rich inner spiritual connection in tandem with a rewarding outer material experience.  However, our western society is out of balance.  We place so much attention on the material/physical aspect of our being that we often overlook or ignore the inner divine aspect of ourselves.  Society is shifting but we still have a long way to go.  DE is my way of staying true to me and my contribution in helping bridge the gap between the human experience and who we really are.

Here at Destination Enlightenment I will share a little bit of everything (check out The DE Guide: An Introduction) from my own philosophy, quotes, books and music that resonate deeply with me; the people, places, and practices that I find intriguing, as well as plain ol’ day-to-day musings – all with the wide angle lens of the quote made famous by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin:

“We are spiritual beings having a human experience”

What you will find if you join me here at Destination Enlightenment is that I believe all of life is a spiritual journey whether one recognizes it or not.  We may not all be on the same leg of the journey, but we are all in this together.  Thanks for stopping by.

Yours Truly,

~Brandi Helligso


63 Comments on “About

  1. Hi. How lovely to wake up and find interesting wordpress e-mails from interesting people! And then to open your page and see the bridge. I often see myself as a bridge a bit as you describe yourself.I find it hard to put into words but its just that everything is life and all life is divine. There is no ‘spiritual’ because we are by nature spiritual beings. There is no divide to bridge but we have created that divide.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I believe the divide was created intentionally for our human experience and that it is part of our mission/purpose to live wholly. How we get there, well that depends on the person!


  2. Thank you for joining in! I’ve enjoyed discovering a new meaning for separation anxiety as you write about it on your blog. I suppose the bridge is the perfect metaphor 😉


  3. Yes, I suppose it is. Your messages are making me go all tingly this morning! I have often wondered what I am to be a bridge between. And I suppose it doesn’t have to do with different forms of spirituality or the ‘spiritual’ and ‘not so spiritual’ (!) , as I thought it might for several years. It simply has do with healing. When we heal we don’t feel separate any more.

    I can’t believe the fear I feel writing this. I think I so crave deeper connection with people and helping people to find deeper connection within themselves that it sets up a huge conflict with this belief inside myself that I don’t deserve connection. That’s where I am at the moment – scared to be a bridge!.


    • Perhaps the act of healing or the healer is the bridge. The bridge to integrating our human nature with who we really are (authentic self, soul, etc.). To be whole we do need to heal the parts of ourselves that have been wounded and until we do the work we will feel separate. It isn’t easy to let your authentic self take the lead if you have old issues to work through. But to actually do the work requires vulnerability, courage, and sometimes the only way somebody will get there is from the help of somebody like yourself. You are a bridge and you do deserve connection!


  4. Brandi – I’ve only just found your wonderful encouraging comment. Thanks so much! If I could work out how to do an emoticon it would be a big smile!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Brandi,
    I can relate to a lot of what you say here. I am definitely keeping my spirituality on the down low. I fear being judged for my interest in all things “woo woo”. I struggle with interacting with in-laws etc. – people who think this kind of stuff is nonsense. I look forward to seeing more of your posts. My blog has sort of died because of my conflicted feelings. I feel like I need to really come out as a spiritual person and embrace one authentic identity. The real me is in hiding at the moment. I’m glad I found your blog. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m glad you stopped by. You will find a way to truly embrace who you really are because you are aware of the conundrum you find yourself in. It just takes time. Fear of feeling judged is a natural response. I’ve been there. I later realized it was because I was judging myself. When I embraced my true self my fear of judgment dissipated. In the western world our culture is bit cut off from the spiritual nature you find in the eastern societies. My dream would be to make spirituality a bit more mainstream here in the west:-)

      Liked by 3 people

    • I would say don’t let your blog die..there’s much work to do in the world spiritually, and you are needed, please don’t put your light in a cave or hide it.. be in the world but not of the world..


  6. Hi Visionaries Will Prevail. I know about hiding authenticity. Pop in and see me some time! Jennie


  7. Beautiful! It is like when Osho talks about Zorba the Buddha. Experiencing the richness of the material and also our natural abundance as the Self. Really experiencing this human experience and this is the bridge to our divinity. I talk about this on my blog. There is no war between being human and being spiritual or east vs. west. They can dance with each other. This is peace! Namaste’ ❤ Look forward to your blog posts. Glad I discovered you.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Pingback: Blogging 101, Day 13: Try (Another) Blogging Event – Age of Aquarius/Let the Sun Shine In | rocksandy.com

  9. You’ve asked two fundamental questions and the answers are found in this ancient Vedic text called Jaiva Dharma on our link here for a free download;http://www.purebhakti.com/resources/ebooks-a-magazines-mainmenu-63/bhakti-books/english/21-jaiva-dharma.html
    This text is a master piece and it’s not something I give to everyone and anyone, as many people don’t ask those questions, you have asked. I guarantee you, it’s a wonderful text to read, as it’s composed in a story-like way:) Hope it resonates…


  10. Pingback: Christian Mystic Insights – Our Food Choices – Signposts on our Journey! | A Healer's Story

  11. And enlightenment it is… Living our divineness in our daily human life… I love your page and do hope that you choose to be enlightened in this lifetime… Take care Barbara

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Thank you for following me. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed everything I’ve read so far on your blog. My blog is my outlet, too, for discussing the things that I feel I can’t discuss on the level I want with people I know. At least we all have each other in the blogging world!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Your Blog is really interesting! I am happy we got connected I am in search of those answers myself….they are inside us! Sending you love and light 🙂


  14. thanks for coming in to see me at Steve Says…come again, stay a while – have a drink even! Happy blogging, Steve…


  15. Pingback: The Sunshine Blogger Award | Michael's Origins

  16. Hey Brandi! Long time no see!!! I took world religions at Clatsop and you should look into it. The teacher is Seth Tischnor and he has talks sometimes at Fort George, super awesome guy!! Great classes tho that really opened up a lot of new avenues of thinking for me especially where spirituality is concerned. Love reading all this and miss seeing you!! Met your sis Cheri on IG 😊 small world!!


    • Hi Lauren! Yeah, I took the summer off from fitness classes. Looking forward to getting back to it though now that school is back in session:-) Thanks for the referral. I’ll have to look up Tischnor and maybe attend a talk. Sounds right up my alley. My sister told me she met you through 1st Phorm on IG. Way cool. See you soon at Tabata!


  17. Your thoughts and feelings are not too woo-hoo for me. I enjoyed what you shared…It is nice to find people who understand this aspect of spirituality (vs. religiousity). Too often, I forget everyone is not on that path but am quickly reminded when I see the deer in the headlights look. So glad you are blogging. Absolutely love the photo too!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. And to finally stand in its truth releases the pain that we carried like a laborer all our lives. That understanding within is like a light turned on in our dark world, a life of stumbling in the recesses not realising the beauty all around us.
    But it had purpose, for we now appreciate all the more because of what we had endured.
    May your journey be an expression of that love found within it Brandi ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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